Less Whip, More Dye
I was pleasantly surprised that my husband had the day off this year and I had planned for it to be the best "good" Friday it could be. This involved a run to the toy store, visiting with Nana's brand-new puppy, outside play and of course Easter egg dying. (You can get all of this done in one day - plus more- if your son refuses to nap). As opposed to doing it the standard, traditional, without-a-doubt successful way (you know buying a package from Walgreens and dropping the eggs in a cup) I decided to do it the Pinterest way (the trendy, fun and sure-to-fail way). We did cool-whip egg dying. I thought it would be fun and cleaner (I literally have no idea why I thought this - 100 wipes later...). The process was so fun. It was one of the few crafts that I have done where both kids have held an equal interest. John and Lou are so different that keeping them focused on the same activity has been a challenge. Turns out cool-whip makes anyone happy - especially sin