Stressed? Me??

Last week was the first full week of school.
Even as someone who thrives on work chaos, and especially as someone who was seriously looking forward to the routine... last week was ROUGH.

Our PD did not fulfill me, like at all.... the AC was broken with not a fan to be found, I got heat stroke (it was debilitating and took me three days to fully recover), and then I thought I broke a tooth.

I have no recollection of my tooth chipping, but there was intense pain radiating from my top right molars into the tippy top of my brain.

It was Friday by the time I ran out of extra Strength Tylenol and decided to call my dentist.
They felt "soooo bad" but they just couldn't fit me in...
So, I spend my first Friday at work, before a holiday weekend, calling every dentist in the state of Connecticut.
I finally gave up, said screw my anxiety, and called MY dentist back and begged to be seen.
ALLL of a sudden, they could magically fit me in.  But only if I arrive ASAP.

I made the 35 minute drive in 34 minutes (LOL), and waited.

They took an x-ray, listened to my slurred speech, and sent the dentist to in to see me.

My Dentist is a SAINT.  We are the same age, and exactly the opposite.  She doesn't watch reality TV, she is cool, calm, collected, and she also doesn't think I'm crazy.  UNTIL NOW.

She took 32 seconds to tap a hammer around on my molars and then without missing a beat says, "You need a vacation!"

I almost fell out of the chair!  I reminded her that I am in fact a teacher, and that i just had the LONGEST summer vacation in recorded history.  

"Are you Stressed?" she asked...

I smiled and politely laughed... "ummmmm YES!!!!"

From there she proceeded to explain to me how I am grinding my teeth, A LOT.  Actually, it's more like clenching, hard core.... but it's all the same at this point.  She patted me on the shoulder (like I was a toddler) told me to take Ibuprofen, and just try to relax.

So, I will!
Doctor's orders!


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