No More "Babies"

And all of a sudden my "baby" is two.

He can have a conversation, he's almost out of diapers and he can tantrum like a champ.  I guess those "emergency bottles" I've been keeping in the back of the cabinet have no use.  The extra pacis hidden in the junk drawer can be thrown away.  All clothes that end in "months" and not "T" can be given away.  My baby is now a boy.

He seems fine with the change, it's me that's struggling.

I've always been a bit out of my league with him.  His love for trucks, diggers, John Deere and overall destruction has forced me to become a real boy mom.  It might not be what I am used to, but I really "dig" it now.

It's been quite a roller coaster ride.  I tend to forget the 10 months of no sleep and focus on the hours and hours and hours of snuggles and love.  But, I guess most of all when I think of John I think of his smile.  Happy Birthday big boy!


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