Thoughts from Amy...


Colleen and I have known each other our entire lives. There has been no milestone crossed that doesn't involve a snapshot in my mind of Colleen and I together in that moment.  If you know me, then you know Colleen.

It is an easy friendship.  I don't have to pretend with her.  We know the depths of each others souls... There are no judgments, no forced laughs, no tears that haven't already been shed in front of each other.  Happy or Sad.

Individually, we each have our own blogs and very organically we realized we should combine our efforts and start writing together.  I wish I could say I remember the moment that this beautiful realization occurred.  Quite honestly, it probably happened over the tops of our children's heads while we were chatting about the most recent What What Happens Live, and simultaneously coloring, doing a puzzle, and searching for a baby sock...  

Once we had the spark, we talked about it for months! Finally, now, when we are busier than we've ever been, we carved out a few hours for ourselves, sat down, and created this.. our newest "baby".  

As a last note, as we welcome you into our hearts, we really do hope you enjoy reading about our adventures as much as we already enjoy sharing them!  When Colleen and I get together, even though we have three children, all of which require our immediate and full attention, we talk non-stop.  Probably not that hard to believe if you know us.  Sometimes when we are together we are laughing our pants off, sometimes it will be sad and deep and (always) meaningful, sometimes we just need to talk about The Real Housewives or Survivor for 45 minutes!  This is what I love most. For me, that's what is do great about this adventure. 

Our lives have changed dramatically since Lucy, John, and Colin came into our lives.
Those three have ENHANCED our lives so much and in that regard I say, I can't wait to see how else they will Teach Me How To Mommy.


  1. As the mommy of the mommy, the teacher of the teacher, and grand mommy of Collin I wish you happy blogging. Always remember the man who married you....


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