You Know It's August When....

I took the kids to a different splash pad last week and within ten minutes of splashing I observed two moms completely losing their shit. Both kids seemed to have pushed their moms' last buttons.  One for failure to apologize, the other for constant near escapes.  Both valid concerns, I too have felt my blood boil for those very reasons.

I couldn't help but wonder though, had it been June, if those same moms would have been screeching, "I am so done with this kid" or "I've told you a thousand times and you NEVER listen."  Even if I think those things, I never say them out loud - I'd be too nervous of the judgement that accompanied it.  But these moms - there were no inhibitions - they were at their breaking point.

I think, more likely, it's Mid-August Syndrome.  Moms, Dads, caregivers and more have spent the summers entertaining and stimulating their kids.  We've packed and unpacked for the beach, traveled to museums, spent countless, hot, sweaty hours at parks and made all their meals.  Makes you appreciate your teachers, daycare providers and stay-at-home parents, huh?

Summer is awesome, but it's exhausting.

I for one am not judging those moms - who knows what I am bound to say tomorrow?

PS.  Next week, stay tuned for a blog about how much I wish it was still summer and I was with my temper-tantrum-almost-three-year-old boy.  Instead I'll be in back to school meetings, counting the days until next summer.


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