Waterfalls and Giants - A recap: Part One

Monday and Tuesday Colin and I had some epic adventures. 

Here's my recap!

Monday: Wadsworth Falls & Wadsworth Falls State Park 

To get to the actual Waterfall (the "Big Falls) use the address: 25 Cherry Hill Rd, Rockfall, CT (or Middletown, CT)

To get to the actual Wadsworth Falls State Park use the address:  727 Wadsworth St, Middletown, CT 06457


Playing in the stream at
Wadsworth Falls State Park
Last year Colleen, Megan, and I took our kiddies to Wadsworth Falls State Park, and it was fantastic!  However we both used the Iphone Map to give us directions and it brought us to a neighborhood where we both (separately) drove around aimlessly for a half hour before figuring out where the heck to go.  When Colin and I were leaving the park on Monday, I saw a friend who told me she had just had the same problem!  (Use the addresses above to get you there!)

Wadsworth Falls State Park was, again, amazing, with picnic tables, a pond (which was drained for the winter???) and a stream for Colin to play in.  

We stayed for a little over two hours! 

For perspective: This is Colin standing
in front of the swimming platform!
No water in the pond!

The actual Falls are just down the road and we went there first. 

Turned out to be the best idea because it's a quick trip, as it is a 5 minute adventure total, and there are no bathrooms, and no picnicking allowed, also only has about 20 parking spaces!.  The water was VERY high and fast moving in both locations though, so I do think with a little less rain, and maybe some minnows in the water later this year, the Waterfall area has lots of toddler potential!
In both parks, It was bright, sunny, and the perfect day to dip our toes in the water.  
We threw sticks in the river and watched them rush away; we watched fishermen, and counted birds!   The park has enough little alcoves of fun that even on such a beautiful day, with a packed parking lot, it felt serene and quiet!

Stay Tuned for Part TWO!

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