Dancing Queen

Had a conversation with a coworker this week that really got me.  The jist of it was how hard having a teen girl really is.  It wasn't sugar-coated.  The things he said I could relate to (you know having been one myself and having two sisters). Yet, somehow I had forgotten...wasn't I always this amiable and easy to deal with? Wasn't I born sweet and awesome, just like Lucy is? (I think my parents my have a response to that...).

 Instead of dreading it I am going to enjoy my time with this dancing queen.  Spending some extra time on these snow days building her up - making sure she knows just how great she was.  What else in the world could be any more important?

PS.  Take me back to days at Memere's pool.  This dress won't fit her this year (although she still won't let me donate it) and I bet Memere's shoes are already going to start looking small.


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