Recovery Mode

Christmas was magical in every way.  The cookies, late night bedtimes, parties, Santa and presents (oh my the presents).  The last four days have been a whirlwind.  We (gladly) lost any sense of schedule and we bop from one new toy to the next (and back again and then to something new and then back to the beginning - or the ever popular "let's open something new").  As soon as Jerry and I get the house "cleaned" it's back to a tornado, yet we haven't given up. We will never give up.

It does get more fun every year, so (as we all know) it's worth the extra work it takes to make it right.  Yet, when I came up on this saying on my Insta, I thought yes, yes, yes.  Christmas is over so now what?  Like, what day is it?  And how many days do I have left on this vacation? Am I supposed to be somewhere right now?

A couple months ago I had planned to paint Lucy's room and the bathroom over vacation.  Seeing as though I haven't gotten the paint yet and it's (Tuesday? Wednesday???) that's not likely.  So instead, perhaps we will focus on Christmas recovery.  Even though I've only ventured out into the public a few times since I left work last week I've seen many of you doing it too.  I see your yoga pants, no make-up and large coffee mugs.  We're all peeking out of our comfy, toy-ridden homes and getting back to reality.  One baby step at a time...

Hoping everyone find the time this week to lounge or (if you're so inclined) keep the party going. 


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