I'm Dating Again

It's been forever since I last dated.  Well, actually to be honest since Jerry and I have been together for nearly 15 years, it feels like forever, it just actually isn't. 

But yet here I am again.  Putting secret notes in mailboxes and texting before an in-person meeting.

That's right, I'm dating.  Well, play-dating that is.  I am making my first attempts at expanding my friend circle - through my kids.

See there's this little girl from school that Lucy always talks about.  I see her when I get Lucy, but never her mom.  That's the thing about going to a daycare center, you don't always get those family bonds that are so natural at home daycares.  Anyways, on a whim I decided to reach out.  In Lucy's valentines I added an extra note in her friend's bag.  It read: 

Hi, I'm Lucy's mom and Lucy loves your daughter.  Want to do a playdate?

So right, I suppose it's on the verge of creepy, but before I could second guess myself I included it in the bag and sealed it up.  What did I have to lose? 

Just like a nervous school girl who gave her number out, I waited anxiously by my phone after February 14th.  What did I have to lose?  A lot actually.  My self-esteem, my dignity, my daughter's best friend....

I didn't actually wait by the phone, I don't have time to do that, but I was still curious.

So, she did - respond that is.  After some general texts we decided a date, a time, a place.  A romantic dinner by candlelight at a nice steak joint. No, that's wrong - actually we took the girls to Barnes and Noble on a Sunday morning and let them go buck wild with the stuffed animals.  We also managed to drink half a coffee and talk about our husbands (I felt right at home).

It was great.

It was natural.

I like her and her daughter and I am hoping I made a new friend. 

Just like any new relationship I'll see how it plays out.  But for right now I am glad I gave it a whirl.  Maybe going out on a limb is what happens when you begin to approach your mid-thirties.  I don't like the number, but I don't mind the new me.  Bring it. 


  1. How lucky for her to chance upon a friend like you!

  2. You both look amazing, I'm sure this is only the beginning and everyting will be great!

    Job Searching Mom


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