Best of 2017 or Well, Forever

What do you do when you peak at 33?

This weekend my brother and sister in-law gave me the gift of a lifetime:  My kids were the flower girl and ring bearer for their beautiful wedding.  I have the photos, one beautiful (but now raggedy) dress and the remnants of a toddler tuxedo to prove it.  I have never been more proud in my life.

Celebrating Melissa and Justin was easy.  They are beautiful inside and out.  They are fun, kind and generous.  Even though Lucy was born well before Melissa was in the picture, she has always been "Auntie Melissa."  That's what happens when you're awesome.

The wedding was perfect.  Well you know except for the fact that the ring-bearer had to be carried down the aisle by his Memere.  Said ring-bearer also had to be carried up by me when I had to do my scripture reading.  In the end, the love of the two that counted most made the rest disappear (I hope).
*For the record Lucy soaked up all the smiles and praise and did not waver (where did she come from, haha).

Even though the night is a blur, I'll never forget my kids having the time of their life on the dance floor (even if they were the only ones dancing).  It might have been a long day and a lot of work, but it was worth every second. Couldn't have done it without the help of the two best 13-year old cousins on the planet and our parents.

Wondering how I could go on tomorrow? How do you continue when you've already reached the top?


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