Fathers Be Good to Your Daughters

Amy is the first person I talk to when my husband is really on my nerves.  She keeps it real (although almost always agrees with me).  I return the favor.  We are keeping each other happily married.

For the record there isn't much to complain about, but I feel (or hope) that everyone needs an outside person to bitch to about their significant other.  I mean, I know Jerry
doesn't want to hear all my gripes, so why not Amy?

Yet, then he goes and does something like this...

Lucy just turned five (cue tears), which means the world of recreational sports is at her finger tips.  In our town she can play softball.  We thought it would be fun and she was open to it, so down we went on registration day and signed our little girl up for "Softies."

As is the case with most towns my husband was approached to volunteer.  His immediate reaction was yes, even though he has a stressful job and a new baby.  I was so proud.

Yet, the kicker?  A week after filling out the LENGTHY application to offer his time free of charge he ran out to Barnes and Noble and got a book about how to coach youth softball.  Since I've never actually seen him read a book I thought this was a very big deal.

He has coached before and he is my kids' number one fan and supporter, yet he still wants to get this right.  He wants it to be a good experience for Lucy (and in extension, him).

What a guy.

PS.  My father coached my sister and me in softball for years.  As John Meyer would say, "fathers be good to your daughters will love like you do..."

PSS.  Don't think I wasn't completely offended when the Little League looked right over me and went directly to my husband to see if he would coach.  I am the one who knows how to play!!!  Another blog for another day!


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