How to Have a Cyclone Bomb Baby and the Stomach Flu in One Day

Ok, well  maybe just don't...

Last Thursday I woke up to a snow day (yeaaa) and the stomach bug (booo).  Jerry went off to work and even though I am NEVER like this I was resigned to have a really chill day with the kids.  I let them watch an extra show in the morning and instead of moving from one activity to the next I tried to kind of stay put in one area and have the kids play around me.  Heck I was 39 weeks pregnant, right?  You can't really go outside when the snow is coming in sideways, right?  Everyone deserves a day to just not be "super", right?

Well that day was here.  I still made the kids their meals, we ended up doing a fort and we did eventually venture outside and walk to the neighbor's house, but I was working at about a 25% capability level.

The only problem is, when it came to 3:30 and my regular one cup of coffee a day ritual, I couldn't stomach it.  I tried three times to sip it and it wouldn't go down.  I knew my stomach was off, but I had gotten some toast down earlier, a cheese stick - I hadn't been doubled over in the bathroom.

Until I was.

Jerry came home early to snow blow and when he saw me he asked if I was in labor.  "No, but I do think I am really sick."  It wasn't until after he said it that I realized I was nauseous, but I was also having contractions.  It was hard to determine what needed to be dealt with first.  So for the first time I put myself on the couch and cried.  It was a week early and I wasn't ready for the baby.  Plus, it was a "cyclone bomb blizzard" which was not when I was going to have my baby.

But it was.

About an hour later my husband and I were admitted and I was having an ultrasound.  Tonight was definitely the night that my new baby would be here.  Sure I might be sick, but I was also having a baby, sometimes they are synonymous anyways.

In terms of labor mine was still very smooth.  Minus puking in between contractions my beautiful baby Holly Jane came into the world a week early.  Thank heavens since she was 9 pounds.

I guess maybe it is kind of fun to have a blizzard baby.  I am not going to try it again, but it will be fun to tell her some day.

Stay tuned for tales of life at home with three.  Perhaps cyclone is just the word for it.


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