A Place of Yes - Texas
When one of your best girl scout friends gets married to a cowboy fireman in Texas you go . You take a personal day, you get on a plane at 4 in the morning, you get a couple layovers and you go. You leave your kids at the very beginning of the school year (not to mention your own beginning of the school year activities) and you go. You take your best friend as your date and leave your husband to take care of said kids and you go. You don’t sleep after the wedding (at all) and get right back on a plane so you can get home to put the kids to bed and get back in the classroom the next day. You do it because it’s worth it. You do it because you stayed in a place with an infinity pool and armadillos. You do it because you’ve never been to Texas and it’s good to try new things. You get a convertible instead of a Camry. You even pump and dump, because it’s what’s right and it doesn’t even hurt because you are having a blast. You do it because friend